To access the abstract submission for FIFTH INTERNATIONAL KIDNEY & MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY RESEARCH GROUP MEETING you must register as Authors Correspondents using the link "Registration for abstracts submission" in the top menu. All communications will be sent to the email address specified at registration. Remember that the first author of the abstract or the Presenter will necessarily have to be registered to the Congress.
The scientific contributions must be written in English and sent by March 15, 2023 through the pages of this website. Please be aware that the deadline is mandatory, and it will be not postponed.
The electronic form will be organized as follows:
- TOPIC ARGUMENTS to select from the menu:
- Basic science
- Diagnosis of MGCS
- Treatment of MGCS
- Multiple myeloma and light chain cast nephropathy
- Supportive therapy in MGCS
- ENCORE: Please indicate yes, if it's an encore abstract;
- POSITION: Of the first author (eg. Medical Director, Associate Professor ...);
- CONFLICT OF INTERESTS: indicating COI of first author. Please indicate "No conflict" if not present, or the list of subjects with commercial interests in the health field with whom the first author has had relations, including financing, in the last two years. Please note that being in a situation of conflict of interest means owning shares in companies operating in the health field, being employed by them, royalties received from the same companies, but not having carried out studies, research or consultancy.
- AUTHORS: first author and to follow all the others in the order of contribution; Enter ONLY the first bulleted character of the Name followed by the Surname in full, starting with the first author and following all the others in the order of contribution (Eg P. Rossi1, G. Rossini2, G. Verdi3, A. Vespucci1, C. Colombo1|2, M. Polo3, F. Fellini2, A. Sordi2, M.L. King5, N. Mandela4). Attention: when inserting any superscript (or subscript) style to the numbering of the authors, any number will be represented with tags and for this reason, for the first two authors we will have P. Rossi [^]1[/^], G. Rossini [^]2[/^] which will then be graphically rendered on the confirmation page as in the example a few lines above;
- AFFILIATIONS: For each of the authors mentioned in the list, report the institution they belong to WITHOUT ADDRESS, separated by a semicolon or a carriage return. In the case of an institute common to several authors, please avoid repeating the name of the same institute and use numbers or symbols to associate the different authors to the same institute (e.g. 1. Radiology I, Fondazione Cà Granda IRCCS Policlinico; 2. UOC Medical and laboratory genetics AO. A. Cardarelli; 3. Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery, AOU Federico II; 4. Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Augusta Victoria; 5. Oncology Research Department of Cleveland Clinic.);
- CITIES: List the cities of all the institutions mentioned in the previous list, separated by a comma and prefixed by the number of the center or by all the numbers of the centers residing in the same city. Please, avoid repetition;
- TEXT ABSTRACT: in "text only" without any formatting. Max. 3500 characters including spaces. The system accepts accented characters, mathematical symbols, and Greek alphabet characters but does not recognize styles such as bold, underline, italics, superscript and subscript. Superscript and subscript characters as well as entire words or phrases to which styles such as Bold, Italic and Underline must be applied, can be marked with specific tags through a special popup menu
next to the label of the following fields: Title, Authors and Abstract . With it, authors will then be able to add normal formatting settings to content introduced in text-only format. The result of the formatting will then be correctly represented in the detail page of the abstract previously introduced;
- CURRICULUM VITAE: after the abstract saving, you will be immediately requested to upload the Curriculum Vitae of the first author. Please prepare the .PDF file before filling out the abstract form;
- ATTACHED: Figures/tables are not mandatory. In any case, only one figure or table is allowed. Authors who wish to include one figure or table should first save the text of their abstract. Afterwards, from the detail page of the saved abstract, authors can access a form to attach one figure or one table only.
When the abstract deadline has expired the Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstracts. Best abstracts, selected by the reviewers among the best scored, will be selected for presentation as oral communication in plenary session.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author.
The official language of the Congress is English. The presenter should be one of the authors.